Sunday, August 31, 2008

melinamec's BG

srry about all of these pics but momme uses blogspot to help her do sum bg thing

MecNjoKmo BG

auntie and momme!

Pretty and Bay's BG!

this is Pretty and Bay's background on YouTube

Videos from BeagleAndChowsRock


It's meeee...Bay... We are 4dogs (Bay, Mer, Spice,and Pretty)

~ Bay


Our BG on YouTube

this one will be our background on youtube!

this pic on the right with pikachu might be our bg on our youtube!
and we wanted to show bay cuz she and her sis Pretty got a youtube too! its GoldenRetreiversRock

Saturday, August 30, 2008

biadenny videos

auntie's videos

melinamec videos!

momme's videos


the co0kiie monstah our mom knows!
-Mer & Beag

Aura Spheres or Fireworks?

we were making some aura spheres but these kinda look like fireworks right?
they kinda do and they were supposed to be part of the theme but oh well! it was close!
-Mer and Beag

Aura Sphere Theme Today!

we got a lot of pics with aura spheres so its like the theme 2day! in this pic, its orange and purple cuz those r our favorite colors.
-Mer & Beag

Shetland Sheepdog! My Evil Pony?

<<< this is our friend the Shetland Sheepdog
mommy put ☺Neaka☺ on it for her friend temari
its looks koolio!
lyrics to: My Evil Pony! by pikachumaster05
My evil pony! My evil pony! you'll always be in the ground!
*dialogue* hehe I wrote that myself im pretty smart huh? HUH?
hey you! your the one who did that! I don't look like that! im beautiful and gorgeous! i will GET U!!! flying pony. IM DOOMED!
hehe that's all i wanted to say

Big Aura Sphere!

mommy made this aura sphere with her paint feature on the computer
hey! im a beagle named spice! enjoy reading our blogs!

Dawn4Life6's Icon

mommy's icon on one of her accounts on youtube
~Beag & Mer

Lots of Aura Spheres of Different Colors!

its gonna be our channel icon at
we gotta wait till monday but on monday after 4:35 we will put our icon up so YAY!!
~Beag and Mer

Our Kool Icon!!! And sum other stuff!!

our kool icon! mommie did this! very koolio!!!! we might use this for our soon coming youtube account so keep posted!
-Spice (or Beagle)

First Bloggy!!!!!

Hi! Im Mercy!!!! Im a Chow and on the left is my cousin Bay!!!!!!!
my brother and i will be leaving posts daily so enjoy reading! and thx to my mommy for helping me type this
also go to to read the blogs my auntie, mommie and their bff (wutever that is) wrote
Dogg On!